Happy Spring 2025! I am taking a little Spring Break vacation to recharge and get ready to infuse that rested energy into making more beautiful products for you. I will reopen on March 20. Thank you for your understanding! Orders placed during this time will ship on or after March 20th. xoxo Colleen

Navigating the Sea of Congestion and Imbalances in Skincare

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Your intuition can be a strong inspiration to your skincare needs. Taking a slow, thoughtful approach can help you dive closer to explore what truly benefits your skin. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to fixing skincare problems. 

Our internal forces - thoughts, emotions, traumas - have the ability to make us feel off balance and not in tune with ourselves. Stress is real sometimes and can throw our hormones out of control, leaving our skin with congestion, inflammation, and overall a variety of imbalances. 

Believe it or not, YOU are the best expert on your skin. Sometimes writing down your needs and struggles can help you identify goals. For example, I receive emails often which are lengthy containing descriptions of skincare challenges. I often find that within these letters, the sender has actually identified some important strengths of weaknesses that can be adjusted, and I can help point them in a healthy direction. 

Do you need to double cleanse? Do you need to avoid toners (elixirs)? Do you need to use toners/elixirs a few times during the day? Do you need to cleanse with a beauty balm before a regular gel cleanser? And what works one day, may not work the next depending on the weather, your sleep patterns, and overall lifestyle. 

I hope this encourages you today to step out of your "normal" skincare routine, and experiment with something new whether it be a new technique (masking before your shower), massaging your face and neck when applying products, or anything else that may benefit your specific need. If you have any questions always feel free to reach out to me at: colleen@driftingbythesea.com



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